Nurture and Support your Growing Vegetables
Many gardeners have planted their vegetable gardens and are looking forward to tasty, mouth-watering tomatoes, snappy beans, sweet corn or crunchy peppers. Take action now to improve the harvest and prolong it, too!
First, fertilize the vegetable garden with Master’s Tomato and Vegetable Food or E.B. Stone Organic Tomato and Vegetable Fertilizer. Remember it’s better to under than over fertilize. And never feed a thirsty plant. Water the garden thoroughly the day before feeding. Also, keep an eye on the temperature. You don’t want to fertilize if the temperature is expected to be over 85 degrees.
Water established tomato plants deeply and less frequently. These plants have deep roots, and frequent watering encourages plant growth without much fruit production.
Water cucumbers more often. Cucumbers need to be kept evenly moist to help prevent them from being bitter.
As cucumbers, squash and pole beans grow, save space by training them to climb trellises, poles or tomato cages.
When harvesting your first fruits, pick them on the small size, giving you a sweeter, milder tasting vegetable. For tangy peppers, pick when green, or wait until they are red for a more delicious flavor.
Control garden pests before they control you! Snails and slugs are out in force, as well as earwigs, cutworms, and tomato hornworms. Sluggo provides slug and snail protection, and Sluggo Plus adds insect control. Both of these products have organic labels. Captain Jacks (also organic) is suitable for insects and caterpillars and leaf-eating worms and Take Down for small sucking insects like aphids and whitefly.
For those who have not yet planted a vegetable garden, It’s not too late!
June is a great month to plant a vegetable garden. Alden Lane has a collection of vegetables that will help you establish a garden quickly.
Stop by the nursery and let us get you growing this season!
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