The salvia family is endless! Salvias add water-wise color & texture. There are ornamental, edible and native members of this expansive family. Salvia display a variety of colors both in flowers and foliage. You can often enjoy wonderful aromas from the leaves as well.
Salvias are sun loving with a few varieties appreciating a shade break in the afternoon.
Many are long blooming, attract hummingbirds and butterflies and require very little care once established.
Favorite Salvias:
Salvia greggii – Known as Autumn Sage, this variety is available in a number of flower colors – red, yellow, pink, white and purple. Erect growth to about three feet with medium green foliage. Plant in full sun.
- Salvia microphylla – This salvia is more leafy and dense than the Salvia greggii. Bright red flowers are borne in 4-6 inch clusters. The plant itself can reach 3-5 feet tall. This salvia is easy to grow and can be cut back almost to the ground if needed without harming the plant. It has a very long bloom season in mild areas. Hummingbirds love it!
- Salvia leucantha – This variety is commonly known as Mexican Bush Sage. Long velvety purple spikes set with small white flowers crown the top of arching gray-green foliage. Long lasting bloom from summer to the first frost. Makes a good background plant in a border or large planting bed. Cut back in winter if stems have become too woody.
- Salvia guaranitica – The ‘Black & Blue’ variety is a 3-4′ shrub with spikes of dark blue and black flowers. This is a long bloomer, hardy to 20 or 25 degrees.
- Salvia elegans – Known as Pineapple Sage requires a bit more water than many of its saliva relatives although still fairly drought tolerant. This is a hummingbird favorite – blooming in late summer to early fall (August to October) when food sources may be less abundant.
Native Salvia Favorites:
- Salvia apiana – White Sage is much loved for its distinctive foliage.
- Salvia clevelandii – Fast growing and highly aromatic.