What does this really mean?
The first thing to know is that low-light does not mean NO light. Living plants are not going to grow and thrive in darkness. They need light in order to live, but some plants are better at living with lower light conditions.
Let’s take a look at where you might find low-light in a room:

Your plants will likely tell you when they need more light. One of the first signs is that they could become long and leggy. Like their sun loving friend the sunflower, they may begin to lean towards the light if there is a window or other available light source (In Italian, the name for sunflowers is ‘girasole’ which literally means turn towards the sun). They may also start to lose their color and/or appear dull.
As we see from the graphic above, most rooms the house get some natural light. It is just a matter of finding those spots and putting the right plant in that space.
It is important to note that plants with lighter foliage colors need more light, so that is a consideration when selecting the right variety for your space. Many of the plant families below are available in a wide range of colors. From deep, dark green to lighter, brighter shades of green and intriguing variegated options. If you are selecting a plant for a truly low-light space, seek the deeper greens and leave the popular variegated options for a lighter spot.
What we want to focus on are those houseplants that can thrive in low-light areas of the average home. They might even begin to suffer if they get too much light (especially direct sunlight!)
Let’s take a look at some top picks for houseplants that will enjoy the lower light areas of your home:

Not only are dracaenas good indoor plants for lower light conditions, they are also beautiful with a spectacular range of color. They make a great statement plant as they can be one of the larger houseplants we carry.
The Sansevieria known by many nicknames (snake plant or mother-in-laws plant are the most common) remains a favorite at Alden Lane for its low-maintenance personality. Their architectural vertical shape is fun too. You could say that they thrive on a bit of neglect. Only water it when the soil is dry, keep it out of direct sunlight and you can enjoy sansevieria for years to come!

Another great plant selection for low-light and low-maintenance houseplants are ZZ plants. Care for your ZZ plant just like you would treat succulents (they are even happy to live in the same pot as a succulent). Keep it out of direct sunlight. Likes to be on the dry side. Do NOT overwater.
Another option for a beautiful, lower light and low-maintenance houseplant is the Chinese evergreen. These come in a variety of shades, so you need to veer towards the darkest tones for low-light spaces. After considering light, keep your plant warm and evenly moist. These guys are slow growing so if you are looking for a plant that will not outgrow its pot anytime soon, these are a good option.

If you are looking for a low-light houseplant with a trailing habit, consider a Pothos. Perfect for a hanging basket or draped over the side of a bookshelf. Pothos are also particularly resistant to pests. They are also easy to propagate from cuttings if you are looking to share with friends.
Also known as the cast iron plant for its near indestructability. This low-light and low-water plant is also slow growing so it won’t outgrow the spot you pick for it anytime soon.