Tiny, bell-shaped flower clusters of “Lily of the Valley” are in demand. Select yours early, these often come into the nursery and are sold out before some gardeners even have a chance to pick some up.
Growing in woodlands through Europe and Asia, they are charming and fragrant. Lily of the valley was featured in the bridal bouquet at the wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton.
The “pips,” like bulbs, are baby root sections of this fragrant favorite grow so well, they often bloom before they are planted.
Give Lily of the Valley pips water and provide some warmth and light and these cuties will sprout and bloom within just 3 or 4 short weeks. Lily of the Valley grows best in woodland conditions, same as fairies: fertile, humus-rich, moist soil and partial to full shade.
Enjoy their fragrant bloom again year after year. Be careful when situating this plant – though it may take a while to get started, this Lily of the Valley will spread rapidly, forming a dense, weed-smothering ground cover. Plant out in the yard, and watch them multiply before they bloom in increasing numbers next spring! Plant with care if you have small children or curious pets. All parts of the plant are toxic.
Lily of the Valley benefits from annual mulching of acid planting mix.
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