Hosta plants are a perennial favorite among gardeners due to their beautiful, lush foliage and easy care temperament. They have such variety in color, leaf shape, size and texture that they can find homes in many a garden.
As with all plants that are considered low maintenance, there are tips to help you more successfully grow your hosta:
- Hosta plants are known for being shade lovers. They like bright shade, but not direct sun, so be aware of this when selecting a location for your hostas.
- Hosta leaves come in a variety of greens, ranging from a deep green (or even a blueish tint!) to a light chartreuse or even to a soft, creamy white. The variegated varieties especially need a little more sun (but still not hot afternoon sun) to keep their striking colors.
- Think ahead about the soil when you plant your hostas. They are going to be happiest in rich organic soil that is slightly acid. Give your hosta’s roots room to establish by digging your planting hole at least twice as wide as the plant you are planting. The roots do not grow deep, but will spread out at least as far as the foliage if not beyond..
- Drainage is extremely important with hostas. When newly planted, keep the roots moist, but not too wet. Once established, hosta require slightly less attention.
- To keep your growing hostas successfully, fertilize them each spring with an all-purpose fertilizer such as Maxsea or Osmocote.
- Possible problems with hostas could be deer if you happen to have those around or more likely slugs and snails. If you see holes in the leaves, you might have these guys. Apply some Sluggo Plus to keep them at bay.
A note to our early spring gardeners… Hosta rest in the winter. They are one of those plants that you have to be able to imagine the possibility while they are dormant. When you come in to buy one right now, it will look like this…

Hosta plants are a beautiful addition to any garden and are great in containers. Snipped hosta leaves can be a great greenery to add to an indoor vase. Here are a few of the possibilities!