October 15th & 16th
10:00am to 4:00pm each day
We are planning a fun-filled weekend for the whole family.
Scarecrow Building Contest
Alden Lane comes alive in October with colorful and artistic scarecrows posing around the nursery. This scarecrow building contest is for anyone who has an imagination and loves to have fun! You can enter as a group or individually – families are encouraged to have fun building together. It is tons of fun for everyone! If you don’t want to build, just come to watch and enjoy the fun. Warning – you’ll want to join in. These are not your ordinary scarecrows. Each one is a work of art!
Categories for 2022
Pollinator Power
It is no secret that we love our pollinator friends at Alden Lane. Here is your chance to bring helpful pollinators (birds, bees, butterflies, etc.) to our gardens.
Surf’s Up!
Summer might have slipped away, but these wave-riding scarecrows will bring the beach to Alden Lane and have us dreaming of a tropical getaway.
This is the scarecrow from down on the farm. You can use burlap, denim overalls, buttons, flannel shirts and anything recycled will help bring this hard worker to life.
Important Details:
- We provide the wooden frame and the straw to fill your scarecrow.
- You provide the imagination and clothing/accessories/props to decorate your scarecrow.
- Plan to build your scarecrows to withstand strong winds and rain.
- Do not use real pumpkins or anything that will decay within a few weeks.
- Scarecrow clothing and accessories must be picked up between Tuesday, November 1st and Sunday, November 6th. After Sunday, November 6th, clothing and props will be donated to a local charity.
This contest is judged by the public. Scarecrows must be left on display at Alden Lane Nursery through Monday, October 31st. Voting takes place in person at Alden Lane from Monday, October 17th until Sunday, October 30th. We’ll post winners on our website on November 1st. Winners receive recognition on our social media and lots of bragging rights!

Reserve your space today by calling (925) 447-0280. When you call, please let us know:
- Category you will be building in
- Which date you plan to be here (15th or 16th)
- Name of your group (plus contact name & phone number)
- Number of scarecrow frames you want
Other Fun Activities and Visitors during Fall Fest

- Free Kid’s Crafts
- A Farmer’s market with farm fresh apples from Dave Hale’s Apple Farm in Sebastopol.
- Alden Lane grown pomegranates plus decorative gourds & corn stalks.
- Nana Jean’s FREE book giveaway while supplies last.
- Guide Dogs for the Blind & 4-H will have animals here.
- Out of the Box Quilters will have a display.
- Live music by Blind Dog both Saturday & Sunday from 1:00pm-3:00pm.
- Native Bird Connections will be joining us for education and the chance to see live raptors. (Saturday only)
- Two Moms Bakery will be here with sweet treats including – fall/flower decorated sugar cookies, cinnamon rolls, drop cookies & individually sized pumpkin cheesecakes. (Saturday only)
- Ray & Victoria will be here from Erickson’s Ranch with their delicious home grown and handmade jams. (Sunday only)
- Whole fresh pies (apple, berry & pumpkin) for sale.
- Fall photo ops
- Fall gardening classes (see descriptions below)!
- New this year, we will have a raffle to win a $25 Alden Lane Gift Card. Pick up a FREE raffle ticket at the Scarecrow Check In area and deposit ticket in the box in our Season’s Building.
- And the nursery will be filled with the “orange orbs of happiness” – pumpkins, pumpkins, pumpkins!
Fall Gardening Classes
Classes are $5 per person and bring a friend for FREE. Call 925-447-0280 to sign up in advance. Seating is limited.
Classes on Saturday the 15th
10:00am Bulbs Around the Year – What to Plant When with Greg
Bulbs have the amazing ability to store everything they need, relocate around the globe, put down new roots, and bloom – all within half a year or so. Bulbs are colorful in the garden, add layers of interest and surprise, and many put on a repeat show year after year. Come get a quick tour of the world of bulbs, and an overview of what bulbs are available when, and where to plant them. Join Greg, our bulb buyer for this 45-minute class.
1:00pm Repotting Houseplants with Kayle
Repotting a plant can seem intimidating at first, but fear not! Kayle will show you how to know when it’s time to repot, what size pot to go up to, and what type of soil to use.
Classes on Sunday the 16th
11:00am Winter Vegetable Growing with Brian
It’s time to turn over the summer garden and get your winter garden in. Brian is ready to show you what’s available and how to get started, it’s time to plant! This will include soil prep, fertilizing and overall care.
1:30pm Plant California Natives in Fall for Beauty & More with Jeff
Beautiful California Native plants attract beautiful California Native butterflies, hummingbirds and bees! Join Jeff Bridge for a class exploring native plants perfect for our gardens. Whether you are looking for screening hedges, natives for shade or just love the idea of butterflies pupating in your backyard we will have a native plant solution for you. Jeff will also discuss WHY these plants are important to our endangered native fauna and which critter you can expect to visit your native garden. Children LOVE gardens planted with native plants because native animals soon follow. Encourage your inner child with a vibrant living native garden!
3:30pm Lawn to Landscape Helpful Hints with Heather
Heather has some great ideas on how to transition your yard from lawn to landscape. If you’ve been thinking about getting started and don’t know how, join Heather for some ideas and inspiration.
Classes are $5 per person and bring a friend for FREE. Call 925-447-0280 to sign up in advance. Seating is limited.
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