Enjoy Edibles in the Ornamental Landscape
Why not let your ornamental plants multi-task? Many edible plants are also beautiful. If you work edibles into your garden, you can enjoy the benefits of seasonal harvests. Great examples of beautiful & fruitful plants include citrus, fruit trees and pomegranates.
We have a large selection of dwarf citrus available for planting in the landscape or in containers! Meyer Lemon continues to be our gardener’s top choice for home planting with its hint of sweet flavor, ever-bearing habit, and superior frost tolerance. Also look for Bearss Seedless Lime or Washington Naval Orange a Tri-Valley favorite for decades!
Don’t forget about other fruit trees!! There are many varieties that we are out of right now, but they will be back. Fuyu Persimmon is a low maintenance fruiting tree that also makes a great small shade tree with excellent fall color. Pomegranates can also provide an attractive multi-trunked flowering tree or prickly privacy hedge.
Even vegetables can liven a landscape with unexpected displays of unusual colors