Roses Coming

Our 2018 Collection of Roses are Arriving!

Several trucks full of roses are making their way from our suppliers growing ground near Fresno to our rose department.  This week we are setting out over 1000 roses. How about blessing a loved one with a rose garden for Christmas?

Our roses are produced by a number of growers and our first are arriving now. Shrub roses, climbers and patio tree roses were off-loaded this morning and set into place. Tomorrow standard tree roses will arrive. Next week more growers will ship bringing the rose department to about 80% full for the year. The balance will arrive early in the new year.

Check back here for updates and more details as the collection grows.





Dormant Spray for Fungus Control

February into Spring (About Valentines)
The timing of the dormant spray  spring sprayings for various fruit trees can be crucial and focuses on fungus control.

Leaf curl on nectarines and peaches is controlled with an application of  Bonide Liquid Copper Fungicide when flower buds swell but before they show any color.

To control brown rot and shot hole fungus on stone fruits, spray Bonide Liquid Copper Fungicide when the buds crack and show color, then again 2 weeks later.

For control of fire blight in apples and pears, (if your trees have a history of fire blight,) Spray with Bonide Liquid Copper Fungicide every 5 days during the bloom cycle.

Additional spring spraying will minimize wormy apples & pears. To properly time these sprayings, hang Codling Moth Traps in one of your fruit trees just before blossom time. When codling moths first appear (usually when about 3/4 of the flower petals have fallen from the tree), wait one week and spray with GardenTech Sevin once, and then spray weekly with Captain Jack’s Spinosad mixed with Bonide All season Spray Oil for 2-3 weeks.

Replace traps monthly and repeat spray regime after additional generations of moths are trapped.