Amaryllis Belladonna is a late summer/fall blooming lily which grows from a large bulb. They can survive with absolutely no additional water once established, putting on a lush display of strap-like leaves as soon as rains fall in November. By the dry days of summer, they shed their leaves again and remain hidden and protected to emerge in July as naked stalks reaching skyward to about 2 feet, then they bloom.
These amaryllis bulbs are hybrids, so they bloom across the pink spectrum; beautiful July, August, and into September.
Amaryllis grow in full sun to light afternoon shade. You can find them naturalizing around old homes and wooded areas, a testament to their longevity without care. They can do well with or without regular water, but they don’t want to sit in water or moist soil.
We have enormous bulbs ripe with potential.
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