Alden Lane Nursery - 981 Alden Lane - Livermore, CA 94550 - (925) 447-0280 ph - (925) 443-8512 fax
Spring & Summer Hours: Open 8:30 am - 6:00 pm Daily
Serving You Since 1955 -
Control Bermudagrass with Turflon Ester
Bermuda Grass can be controlled in most lawns with Monterey Turflon Ester. Product must be applied 3 times, 1 month apart before it gets too hot. This is the month to start.

Uneven Patches of Off-Colored Grasses Tarnish a Perfect Lawn
Turflon Ester also controls most broad leaf weeds in the lawn and it does a better job than most other broadleaf weed killers.

It is highly concentrated, so it goes a long way, an 8oz. bottle covers 10,000 square feet. It works quickly to kill clover, oxalis, clover, and dandelion.

Make applications only when there is little or no hazard from spray drift. Very small quantities of spray, which may not be visible, may seriously injure susceptible plants. Do not spray when wind is blowing toward susceptible crops or ornamental plants that are near enough to be injured. Spray drift can be reduced by keeping the spray as low as possible, by using high volume sprays and lower pressures, by using nozzles that deliver larger spray droplets, and by spraying when wind velocity is low.