Preventative Spraying Program Begins in November!
Thanksgiving signals the time when to start dormant spraying of fruit trees, especially for the prevention of Peach Leaf Curl!!  Even before trees are leafless in winter, they benefit from applications of disease controlling products. Thanksgiving, New Year's and Valentine's Day are holidays around which you should consider treating.

The first spraying should be just prior to or at leaf fall (about mid-November). A second spraying one week later helps ensure complete coverage. The plants' bark contracts with the onset of cold weather sealing in disease-causing organisms such as shot hole fungus and peach leaf curl. It is therefore essential to spray before heavy frost or freezing weather sets in.

Spray with Monterey Liqui-Cop, or Bonide Liquid Copper Spray.  If rains occur, reapply spray.

Clean Up Your Garden
Debris will harbor insects and diseases. A good general garden clean-up, removing leaves, spent flower heads, old fruit & nuts, dead and broken branches eliminates insect and disease hiding places. Although a potential problem in the garden, these materials are perfect candidates for the compost pile. Composting generates sufficient heat to kill insects, their eggs, and diseases. For more information, visit

Winter (About New Years)
Within the month of January most fruit trees will benefit from one or 2 sprayings of  Ortho Volck Oil or Bonide All Seasons Horticultural & Dormant Spray Oil to control aphids, scale and mites and some other insects (smothering over wintering eggs.) This January 1st and 15th application may be considered optional if pests have not been a problem in the past.  Also apply Tree-Trunk-White or 50% diluted interior latex paint to the trunk of trees from 2" below the soil surface, up the trunk and a little way into the lower branches for protection from sun as well as to help with the prevention of borers.

February into Spring
(About Valentines)
The timing of spring sprayings for various fruit trees can be crucial. 

Leaf curl on nectarines and peaches is controlled with an application of  Monterey Liqui-Cop, or Bonide Liquid Copper Spray when flower buds swell but before they show any color.

To control brown rot and shot hole fungus on stone fruits, spray with above mentioned fungicides when the buds crack and show color, then again 2 weeks later.  

For control of fire blight in apples and pears, (If your trees have a history of fire blight,) Spray with a diluted copper fungicide above mentioned fungicides every 5 days during the bloom cycle.

Additional spring spraying will minimize wormy apples & pears. To properly time these sprayings, hang Codling Moth Traps in one of your fruit trees just before blossom time. When codling moths first appear (usually when about 3/4 of the flower petals have fallen from the tree), wait one week and spray with GardenTech Sevin once, and then spray weekly with Spinosad mixed with light summer oil for 2-3 weeks. Replace traps monthly and repeat spray regime after additional generations of moths are trapped.

Peach Leaf Curl Arrives in late Spring but is prevent in fall and early spring
Alden Lane Nursery - 981 Alden Lane - Livermore, CA 94550 - (925) 447-0280 ph - (925) 443-8512 fax
  Winter Hours: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Daily - 6:00 beginning March 10th

Dormant Disease
& Insect Control