Add Smoke Tree for Dark Drama

Smoke trees are showing off spring foliage and wispy flowers right now. Our resident smoke tree is currently blooming near our water garden.

Smoke trees are typically dark red small trees or large shrubs to about 12 feet, Golden Sprite is a lime green variety that prefers afternoon shade. They are perfect for a patio or a tree near the front entry. Come in for a look!

After leafing out in spring with dark, intense purple or brilliant chartreuse, Smoke trees come into bloom with a cloud of purple (or light green) smoke. The “flowers” are so light and airy they appear to be just a cloud.

Successful examples of the smoke tree in the garden demonstrate they are best planted in full sun. You don’t have to worry too much about watering after it is established, they have been seen growing in places without additional water similar to some native plants. They will appreciate water once or twice a month when established. Give them water a couple times a week for 2 years to establish.

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